Our Process
We believe that time spent upfront saves money during construction. That’s why, on every project, we emphasize the importance of the planning stage. It allows us to ensure that subcontractors have a full understanding of how the building will be used and how people and equipment will interact with it. During construction, we use Procore as our dedicated tool for instant access to plans, permits, contacts, weather and construction photos (weekly). On a bi-weekly or weekly basis, we have a 45-minute construction call to focus on high-level progress, schedule and budget and to identify any “breakout topics” for further discussion.
The keys to a successful project:
- Upfront planning
- Comprehensive understanding of facility requirements and planned use
- More upfront planning
- Regularly scheduled communication throughout construction

One Stop for All Solutions
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Sustainable design
Geothermal heating system
Infinity car dealership Edmonton
Solar array
TELUS Park Calgary
Solar pre-heating system
Infinity car dealership Edmonton
Green roof
Crazyweed Kitchen Canmore
York has found that the most efficient way to achieve both cost savings and best environmental practices are to:
- Source locally – Concrete products from Alberta
- Build quality – Precast concrete has high R-Values and excellent thermal mass with low air leakage